October 25, 2012

Niche Blogging for Mommy Bloggers

The Mommy Bloggers or generally Female Bloggers' has been around for more than several years now. These are the most important people in the world. The mom blogging community comprises of a wide range of blog topics. Mommy Bloggers are those with at least one child in their household and has contributed to a blog or turn to a blogs for advice. 14% of all American mommies are Mommy Bloggers. In a study conducted by Scarborough Research, Out of 3,900,000 mom bloggers in United States 500 mommy bloggers are considered influential among other mothers.

These mommy bloggers are influencing every social media from Twitter to Facebook to Pinterest to Quora. Mom bloggers also turn to each other for advices, they network, they talk and they ally, which is attractive to advertisers and brands.

Blog Topics for Mom Bloggers
The first task to face by any would be to choose a Niche which she is going to pursue. It’s difficult to think of all possible ways you can go and to consider a strong niche for your blog. It’s your courage to choose your niche that you think will work and will be long lasting. There is lot of advice out there in the web on how to choose the blog niche – your choice of topic that you are going to blog. This list of over 300 topics can help you choose the right niche for you.
Choose a niche that you think will work and will be long lasting
You do not want to limit your topic to just one, most of the bloggers consider few related topics to blog.
  • Academics & Education: Adult Education, campus life, classroom resources, colleges and universities, curriculums, education and politics, elementary education, home schooling, homework help, libraries, literature, research and reference, vocational education, special education
  • Animals: Animal rights, animal videos and photos, breeding, pets, species, research & studies
  • Arts & Entertainment: Acting, anime and comics, architectures, artists, art culture, books, creative writing, dance, gaming, kids' entertainment, movies, photography, poetry, reviews, television, trends, visual arts
  • Business: Advertising industry, careers and jobs, CEOs, coaching, copywriting, design, entrepreneurship, home business, human resources, marketing, outsourcing, business-product reviews, project management, public relations, reference, research, unemployment, sales, small business, training
  • Communications/Personality: Advices, debate, humor, multimedia, photo blog, podcasting, video blogging
  • Crafts: Crochet, beading, home decorating, ethnic crafts, fabric arts, glass arts, jewelry making, kids' crafts, knitting, leather work, mosaic, craft patterns and downloads, paper crafts, pottery, quilting, scrapbooking, needlework, sewing, soap making, spinning, stamping, weaving, woodworking
  • Computers: Online safety, hardware and software, privacy, security, tutorials
  • Environment: Activism, eco products, environmental education, global warming, green living, industry, nature, natural baby resources
  • Events: Conferences, event planning, local, party planning, recreational events, seminars, web events, weddings
  • Food & Drink: Alcoholic beverages, baking, cake decorating, cookbook reviews, dining, entertaining, food critic, healthy eating, international food, organic cooking, recipes
  • Health & Well being: Addictions and recovery, allergies, alternative health, breastfeeding, dieting, disabilities, diseases, fitness, gluten-free living, healing, infertility, life coaching, medicine, meditation, men's health, mental health, personal care, pregnancy, psychiatry, psychology, public health, stress, suicide prevention, women's health
  • Home & Garden: Antiques, construction, entertaining, gardening, holidays, home decor, home repair, homemaking, landscaping, kitchen and bath, organizing
  • Industries: Advertising, agricultural, architecture, automotive, broadcasting/media, finance, government, health care, industrial, investing, law and legal, packaging, property management, publishing, real estate, textiles
  • Internet: Blogging, Internet marketing, programming, social networking and social media, search engine optimization, web design, web development
  • Music: Artists/bands, awards, composition, genres, history, instruments, lessons, lyrics, notation/chords/tabs, regional, reviews, news/gossip
  • Personal: Advice column, children/teens, family, journal, life transitions, parenting, personal development, relationships
  • Politics/Government: Civil rights, commentary, international, legislation, lobbying, local politics, military, peace, presidential studies, terrorism
  • Pop culture: Beauty, celebrity, entertainment, fashion, gossip, popular brands and products, television shows, trends
  • Religion/Philosophy: Denominations, ethics, history, metaphysics, schools of thought, spirituality
  • Science: Anatomy, anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, geology, oceanography, physics, research, zoology
  • Shopping: Books, cameras, clothing, coupons and discounts, children's products, fashion, fine living, gadgets/tech, gifts, home decor, office, reviews
  • Society/Culture: Adoption, charity, civilization, community development, controversy, criminal justice, death, ethnic issues, family issues, feminism, genealogy, LGBT, men, mythology, rural living, seniors, social security, suburban living, violence, volunteering, urban living
  • Sports/Recreation: Competitions, gaming, hobbies, individual sports, leisure, martial arts, memorabilia, motorcycles, Olympics, outdoor recreation, physical education, sports, racing, sporting activities, sporting events, sporting goods, sports role models, team sports
  • Technology: Cameras, companies, computers and tablets, electronics/gadgets, engineering, innovations, mobile, networking, news, tech companies, technology entrepreneurs and thought leaders, tools
  • Travel/Places: Destinations, budget travel, camping/RV living, family travel, international, local guides, travel photography, vacation planning
Features of niche blogging
The major cause for the popularity of niche blogging is the cost. Bloggers can quickly and easily create a blog for free. Like this marketer can determine the growth and development of the selected niche before making a large investment of time and money.

Trends often change over time and it’s important for marketers to stay up-to-date on current trends. Adaptability also refers to the ability to update the information on the niche blog at will. A great feature of blogs is the ability to add new articles on a daily, or more frequent, basis.

Also each post is alike to a stand alone webpage allowing the blogger to create articles independent of each other.

Generating traffic
Visitors are a major concern for a website to be profitable. Normal websites require search engine optimization (SEO) or paid advertisement in order to gain visitors. Blog services like Blogger, on the other hand, incorporate Really Simple Syndication (RSS). The niche blogger can inform various online directories of the blog's existence in turn they provide links to the blog. Like this the directories act as a marketing tool for the niche blogger. Link exchange systems such as Addiply.com also allow bloggers to give and receive advertising clicks or views by the penny's-worth, without the imposed minimums of AdSense. Simpler still is the use of a Blogroll of similar blogs with some reciprocation.

You should have considerable knowledge of the topic you have selected as your niche. In-depth knowledge and quick research skill is an important feature you should need for writing. The best way to get some idea about your niche is to spend more hours at the beginning months which will also boost your blog's traffic. Know and connect with people who are blogging in the same niche/topic.

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