April 20, 2012

How to make Your Own iOS Game

The Apple company run by Tim Cook seems keen to promote a book written by Todd Moore and published by O’Reilly Media, Inc. which acts as a complete do-it-yourself guide on how to make your game thought a reality for the iPhone and iPad.

“By developing a real game hands-on through the course of this book, you’ll get a thorough introduction to Xcode and Objective-C, even as learning how to implement game logic, sophisticated graphics, game physics, sounds, and computer AI,” says O’Reilly Media.

According to the publisher, Moore educated himself how to make an iPhone game in a week. He had no previous knowledge of Apple’s development tools at all, and now he is working full time as a smartphone games developer.
Even as his book does not guarantee that you’ll roll out the next best thing to Mad Birds, the guide does promise to enable any coder to turn game thoughts into real harvest, ready for the App Store.

One buyer posted a small review of the book after flipping through its pages and claimed “I found some real gems in this book and like the example of making the ancient teach game of Pong in only 20 lines of code.”
“It really illustrates how to keep equipment simple. The book also covers how to market your game which is vital these days agreed how many apps are in the store. The foreword is by Steve Wozniak was a surprise because its not listed in the product description,” said the user, identified as AWESOMO-2000 on Apple’s App Store.
A further buyer, Bruce Sackett, says that the e-book moves a reader very quickly into developing simple games and that it includes a excellent discussion about adding sounds, and graphics using Adobe Fireworks.
The book requires iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later.

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