November 11, 2012

Pope Benedict To Get His Own Twitter Account [Report]

According to a Conservative American News Media report, the Pope will be sharing his opinions and church news through his personal twitter account.

Pope Benedict XVI Twitter account
Pope Benedict XVI to get his own personal Twitter account |
Source :
The tweets will be pointing to his weekly teachings (catechesis) and whatever he will be doing on that day.

In June 28, Pope Benedict XVI launched Vatican's news portal, tweeting from Vatican's English language account, @news_va_en. "Dear friends, I just launched Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI." the Pope said through an iPad device.
Thousands of people re-tweeted Pope's announcement and it also increased his followers count.

The Vatican said that new Twitter account would belong to Pope Benedict XVI but as he is not using a computer the tweeting will be mostly done by someone else.

The Associated Press reported that a papal spokesman, Rev. Federico Lombardi said that the details about Pope's handle would be released when the Vatican officially launched the account The Techbay | All Rights Reserved.

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